Their number one goal is to provide a Christian environment where like-minded people can meet and network.
Christian Soulmate's mission is to provide a place where Christian singles will be relaxed, encouraged, entertained and be able to interact
with other Christian singles in a non-threatening environment.
Christian Soulmates is an on-line matchmaking service designed to provide an easy way for their members to meet other quality singles on the Internet.
They ask every user coming into the site to fill out a questionnaire that will assist other users in getting to know you.
Once members create their own unique profile, their matching technology can provide them with instantaneous matches based upon their
pre-selected Christian dating criteria.
By providing this and other features such as chat, search, browse, email, photos, users are given all the tools to effectively get to know
each other over the distances.
It's true... Internet romances CAN and do happen...
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where you can earn extra money!
Get a banner ad for your home page start letting them send you 40% of the contributions they receive, back for your ministry!